FDA-approved injectables that relax facial muscles, smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines for rejuvenated skin.

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Our Offerings

• Botox®
• Dysport®
• Jeuveau®

Neurotoxins are used to treat fine lines and wrinkles in the forehead, frown lines, and crow’s feet. They give your face a smoother, more youthful look. When injected into specific muscles in small amounts, they temporarily block the release of acetylcholine from nerve endings, thereby preventing muscle contraction. While they're commonly associated with reducing facial wrinkles, they offer several benefits for the skin and beyond



A more youthful look

  • Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: The primary and most well-known benefit of neurotoxins is the reduction of dynamic wrinkles, which are wrinkles that form due to muscle movement. Common areas include frown lines between the eyebrows, forehead lines, and crow's feet around the eyes.

  • Preventative Measure: When used early on, neurotoxins can potentially prevent the formation or deepening of dynamic wrinkles by limiting the repeated muscle contractions that contribute to wrinkle formation.

  • Eyebrow Lift: Strategic placement of neurotoxins can result in a subtle lift of the eyebrows, opening up the eye area.

  • Reduce Excessive Sweating: Neurotoxins can be used to treat hyperhidrosis, a condition where one sweats excessively, particularly in areas like the armpits, palms, or soles.

  • Reduce Migraine Pain: FDA-approved for chronic migraine treatment, some people find relief from migraine pain with regular neurotoxin injections.
  •  Reduction of a Gummy Smile: For individuals who show a significant amount of gum when they smile, strategic injection of neurotoxins can reduce the upward movement of the upper lip, resulting in a less "gummy" appearance.

  • Neck Bands: Neurotoxins can be used to treat prominent vertical neck bands by relaxing the platysma muscles.

  • Smoothing of a "Pebbled" Chin: For some, the chin muscle (mentalis) can cause a "pebbled" or "dimpled" appearance of the chin, which can be smoothed with neurotoxin injections.

  • Jawline Slimming: When injected into the masseter muscles, neurotoxins can reduce the size of these muscles over time, leading to a more refined jawline. This is often sought after by individuals with bruxism (teeth grinding) or those looking for a slimmer facial appearance.
  •  Reduction of a Gummy Smile: For individuals who show a significant amount of gum when they smile, strategic injection of neurotoxins can reduce the upward movement of the upper lip, resulting in a less "gummy" appearance.

  • Neck Bands: Neurotoxins can be used to treat prominent vertical neck bands by relaxing the platysma muscles.

  • Smoothing of a "Pebbled" Chin: For some, the chin muscle (mentalis) can cause a "pebbled" or "dimpled" appearance of the chin, which can be smoothed with neurotoxin injections.

  • Jawline Slimming: When injected into the masseter muscles, neurotoxins can reduce the size of these muscles over time, leading to a more refined jawline. This is often sought after by individuals with bruxism (teeth grinding) or those looking for a slimmer facial appearance.

Recommended Treatments

The effects of neurotoxins typically last for three months, although this can vary from person to person. After this time, the muscle activity gradually returns, and wrinkles and fine lines may begin to reappear. To maintain the results, patients will need to have additional treatments every few months.

It's essential to understand that the effects of neurotoxins are temporary, with results typically lasting three to six months, depending on the treatment area and individual factors. As with any cosmetic or medical procedure, there are potential risks, so it's crucial to consult with a qualified and experienced 25 Again skin professional before receiving treatment. Proper technique and understanding of facial anatomy are key to achieving optimal results and minimizing potential side effects.

*25 Again and NAVA Med Spa offer Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, and Jeuveau.
Botox: FDA-approved for treatment of forehead lines, frown lines, and crow’s feet.
Dysport: FDA-approved for treatment of glabellar lines (vertical lines between eyebrows).
Xeomin: FDA-approved for treatment of blepharospasm and glabellar lines.
Jeuveau: FDA-approved for treatment of glabellar lines.